Nothing Here Yet
Nothing Here Yet
Nothing Here Yet
Nothing Here Yet

Christmas Coding Project

This winter, we were asked to create a holiday themed coding project using Turtle Python. I decided to create some word art saying “Happy Holidays”. In the background, I made a blue and white ribbon that has a slight gradient, and I also…

Python Turtle Maze Challenge

Recently, we were given a challenge to complete in CSAI. We were given code that generated a maze, and we had to code the turtle to go through it. That sounded pretty easy, but the problem was, the maze was randomly generated, so…

Turtle Race

Recently I made a project using python through the website I used the turtle art library to have access to the commands used in TurtleArt. I made a race in which four turtles would race to a finish line. It was random…

Inspired Artwork Project

Recently in CSAI, our class has been working on an inspired artwork project using Turtle Art. We looked at a book of Turtle Art projects, chose one for inspiration, then made our own Turtle Art project based of of it. The project I…

Coding My Name

Recently I made a Turtle Art creation in CSAI (Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence) class. Our assignment was to create our name using code and to turn our name into an artwork. This took a lot of time, around two hours to make,…

Repeating Hexagons

A few days ago I made a cool project using Turtle Art. It was pretty much an accident. I was working on another project and I wanted to make it cooler, so I added some code in hope that my project would become…

All About Me

My name is Alyssa and I am in 7th grade at Quest Academy. I play volleyball and travel softball on the Palatine Stingrays. I normally play catcher, but sometimes I pitch. I also play violin and clarinet. My two friends and I competed…

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